Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the nervous system's diseases, manifested by headaches, dizziness, back pain, weakness of the limbs, their numbness, meteo dependence, sleep disorders and anxiety, etc.
Treatment of diseases and disorders in the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems: cerebral circulation, consequences of strokes, encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension. The competence of the neurologist also includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine, neuritis and neuralgia, headaches and disorders of the brain, manifested by attention and speech disorders. The neurologist shall be visited when complaints caused by prolonged or sudden intense stress - anxiety, insomnia, depressive disorders, neuroses, and more.
In the Manufactura Clinic we adhere to the principles of careful and individual treatment for each patient, taking into account all complaints and manifestations of the disease, including during pre-treatment. Our equipment allows us to see and determine the smallest abnormalities in vascular circulation and in the tissues studied. The clinic provides rehabilitation programs, physiotherapy, long-term follow-up and patient counseling. Treatment is possible in the conditions of day-stay or 24-hours hospital.
We treat
Consultation of a neurologist is necessary both in conditions after the malady and in cases of the smallest complaints in order to timely diagnose the disease and to advise on the proper lifestyle for diseases prevention or to avoid an escalation.
Even minor patient complaints and the smallest deviations detected during the examination are taken into account. In addition to collecting anamnesis, when it is important for the neurologist to understand not only the onset of the symptom but also the conditions under which it appeared, the patient's heredity and age are also taken into account, especially in the event of chronic systemic diseases (Huntington, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.).
Neuropathologist examinates reflexes, adequacy of response to irritation, sensitivity of body parts, activity and symmetry of movements. The results of computerized (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalograms, basic clinical examinations, ultrasound and the findings of related specialists will be required to clarify or make a diagnosis. At the stage of treatment and recovery, in addition to the selection of medicines, the neurologist assigns control instrumental examinations and takes into account the consultation findings of the related specialists: cardiologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, rehabilitologist, physiotherapist.
When to consult a neurologist for advice
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