About Cancer Center
Cancer Center in «Manufactura Сlinic» is a separate and fully-fledged department for systematic treatment of most oncology diseases.
Cancer care Department in «Manufactura Clinic» Medical Center
We have implemented the best medical experience of advanced oncology hospitals in the practice of our Cancer Center.
- Attention to the patient, his physical condition and well-being. From a thorough diagnostic examination to the daily assessment of the physical condition by the treating oncologist at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation, each patient is the center of our close attention. For this, we provide our doctors with highly specialized and advanced equipment as well as manage their teamwork at all levels, and we treat each clinical case as unique and tailor the individual therapy tactics for every patient.
- Personal support of the patient. For administrative issues, the prompt communication with the clinic, we assign the personal administrator to each patient. You can rely on him in organizational matters, paperwork, hospitalization, etc.
- Complex treatment and collegial approach to treating. The patients' examinations results and their course of disease are discussed daily at the doctors council meetings of the Cancer Center. This teamwork of the multidisciplinary oncological commission (oncology council) with each patient case is the basis for making a decision regarding the treatment. The oncology council consists of oncologists and specialty doctors of our Medical center and it provides the every treatment stage with a comprehensive assessment of the patient's disease and condition here and now. This is one of the most effective ways to avoid making mistakes.
- Video control during radiation therapy. We ensure the efficiency, precision and safety of patients receiving radiation therapy with the linear accelerator «Elekta Infinity» for remote and contact radiotherapy of «Elekta» the Swedish company. This up-to-date device provides radiation with modulated intensity (Intensity Modulated Ratiotion Therapy technology) and under the visual control from the doctor (Image Guided Radiation Therapy), increasing the intensity of exposure doses to cancer cells, while reducing the time of the therapy itself and fully sparing healthy tissues and cells from radiation impact. More about radiation therapy in our Center read here.
- Advanced surgery methods for cancer removal. All cancer surgeries are performed with laparoscopic methods under the control of high-quality optics. The doctor can see the tissues at forty-fold increased image and examine the organ in different angles during the operation. More about surgical oncology in «Manufactura Clinic».
- Combined medical treatment with the medications of the latest generation. We use various methods to stop tumor growth including using targeted therapy and immunotherapy during chemotherapy.
- We are guided with evidence-based medicine principles. Cancer cure is conducted in accordance with protocols and methods which have confirmed their efficity and are accepted as the international standards.
Cancer diagnosis
We can diagnose tumors in the initial stages of the disease, tumors of any localization and complexity of the disease. The accuracy and reliability of the diagnosis is guaranteed by the competence of our oncologists and radiologists and is enhanced by cooperation with the best pathomorphological laboratories.
There are scanning technics of research are used in the Diagnosis department of «Manufactura Clinic» for tumor recognition. We have invested in high-quality modern equipment to guarantee both accuracy and safety:
- MRI with the «Aquilion Lightning» device and MSCT/CT with the «Vantage Elan 1.5 Tesla» device of «Toshiba medical» the Japanese company;
- super precise mammography is performed with a digital device «Clarity 3D PLANMED» of Finnish manufacture;
- the advanced digital X-ray image is secured by the «Shimadzu» device of the Japanese company of the same name.
We cooperate with the reputable laboratories of Kyiv like «Dila», «CSD», «IMD», «Dr. Rodger» as to phenotyping of tumors, precancerous stages and non-oncological diseases as the quality and reliability of their results are recognized by experienced Ukrainian oncologists.
Amenities of the Cancer Center in «Manufactura Clinic» MC
Our Cancer Center is a separate two storey amenity located within the territory of «Manufactura Clinic» Medical Center. There are single and double wards of a 24-hour inpatient hospital, as well as the outpatient hospital for chemotherapy sessions, along with the resuscitation wards, a room for radiation therapy and manipulation offices.
Our patients receive a balanced full meal and stay in the cozy and comfortable resort conditions. It is like a clinic within a clinic, where, on the one hand, a kind of autonomy of a specialized hospital is realized, but on the other hand, a close teamwork with the entire medical staff and access to diagnostic facilities as well as surgery department of «Manufactura Clinic» are maintained.
We care not only about physical comfort and quality medical care for our patients. We also strive to maintain and protect the patient's emotional balance and to be the support he needs.
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