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Мобільний застосунок
«Особистий кабінет пацієнта»

лечение рака в киеве
Khodosivka vil.


Neurosurgeons of Manufactura Clinic perform high-tech surgical treatment for the brain diseases, spinal cord pathology and injuries, as well as deseases of peripheral nervous system using proven and effective methods of neurosurgical intervention of varying complexity. We carry out diagnosis and treatment by modern equipment and using advanced techniques.

Our operating room is specifically equipped with the neurosurgical microscope, digital X-ray, endoscopic equipment, microneurosurgical instruments and modern anesthesia devices and allows us to carry out high-precision neurosurgical operations of various complexity in accordance to European protocols and at the level of high surgical skill of our doctors.

Medical Center "Clinic Manufactura" actively practices minimally invasive, microsurgical and endoscopic techniques that minimize the risk of postoperative complications and significantly reduce the recovery period and return the patient to active life in a relatively short time. There are also used open methods of traditional microsurgical treatments. Selecting surgery methods we proceed from the pathology characteristics and the desease individually, taking into account the clinical manifestations, the patient's general condition and patient's history.

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The experience of our doctors and the equipment level provide a wide range of surgical manipulations:

  • spinal punctures for pain syndromes under the control of a digital X-ray machine: epidural blockades, root blockades, spinal blockades, sacral bone blockades, etc
  • microdecompression of disks
  • installation of interspinal distractors at narrowing spinal canals and spondyloarthritis

These procedures allow in many cases to avoid open operations.

Diseases and pathologies we treat

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Our specialists

лікарі клініки мануфактура
Neurosurgeon. Pediatric neurosurgeon. Oncology-neurosurgeon
Experience: 20 years


блог клініки мануфактура

Date - 04.03.2020

Surgery at strokes' treatment


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