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Мобільний застосунок
«Особистий кабінет пацієнта»

лечение рака в киеве
Khodosivka vil.


Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. Medication and physiotherapeutic assistance for neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica. Treatment of arterial hypertension, consequences of hemorrhages and injuries. Postoperative rehabilitation and dispensary observation.

Treatment of neurological diseases

The indications for the inpatient treatment of neurological diseases are severe diseases and lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems associated with impaired blood circulation and destructive processes in the spine. For such patients, hospitalization ensures the normalization of the cardiovascular system, respiratory function, and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

But hospitalization is not limited to providing assistance in acute conditions. Treatment in a neurological hospital is intended to eliminate the threat of the severe pathological conditions development in case of any manifestations of neurological diseases. It is also indicated in preparation for surgery on the spine, joints and blood vessels, as well as during rehabilitation courses after surgeries and cerebrovascular diseases.

«Manufactura» clinic bases on the preventive principles of medical care, seeking to prevent the disease development or its transition into a complex form. Therefore, the conclusions of a neurologist's consultation and complex diagnostics to identify the cause of neurological disorders may include a recommendation for therapeutic inpatient or outpatient treatment.

Neurology in our clinic is represented by several directions. First of all, it is the treatment of vascular diseases of the central nervous system, which are often found: disorders of cerebral blood circulation, consequences of previous strokes, encephalopathy, cerebral atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension. Specialists are also actively involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of spine diseases, back pain, neuritis and neuralgia, diseases that disrupt motor activity and cause chronic pain.

Neurological inpatient treatment

Inpatient treatment involves a complex examinations to make or clarify the diagnosis. «Manufactura» clinic is equipped up-to-date with the medical diagnostic devices and uses the latest instrumental and laboratory methods of diagnosis. These provide us with both early detection of the disorders, even at the initial stages, and with controlling treatment. The treatment scheme is prescibed only individually, taking into account the conclusions of related specialists, if patients have concomitant or complicated diseases. The treatment plan at the end of the therapeutic course always contains the doctor's recommendations regarding the correct lifestyle for prevention of relapse or progression of diseases. We practice:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy
  • dehydrating and detoxifying therapy
  • treatment with vascular and metabolic medication
  • desensitizing and hormonal therapy
  • anticonvulsant therapy
  • strengthening therapy
  • various methods of analgesic blockade
  • physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, physical therapy, massage
  • symptomatic treatment

How to take inoatient or outpatient treatment

We admit to inpatient treatment for 24 hours a day, patients can call to the clinic by phones indicated on our website. To receive a consultation of the neurologist, you need to make an appointment using the online form below or by phone.

Take into account that previous doctor's conclusions or examination results, diagnoses, completed examination courses and treatment will be useful and should be taken with you to the appointment or admission to the hospital. The patient's card is always kept in the clinic, you can take an extract from it or pick it up at the time of discharge or at any other time when it becomes necessary.

After direction
After service
After doctor specialization
After name of doctor
* Search in English

It is important to understand that the manifestations like: general weakness and chronic fatigue, numbness of any parts of the body, changes in blood pressure, deterioration of hearing, smell or vision, sleep and memory disorders - not only bring daily discomfort, but also hide the development of the disease. If detected in time, it can be successfully cured or controlled. Patiens, however, often ignore more serious manifestations of both the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, which leads to a sharp deterioration in health, when hospitalization is no longer necessary preventive, but emergency in nature.

Be attentive to changes in pressure, back pain and headaches, muscle weakness and incoordination, pay attention to quick fatigue, irritability, do not explain or hide unhealthy conditions behind the work, stress or other reasons. Timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a diseases development ensure the life quality not only now, but also for many years to come.

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