CT diagnostics
Computed tomography (CT) and multislice computed tomography (MSCT)
Both methods are based on X-ray scanning of the body. With these methods it is possible to visualize any organ, its size, position, shape and density. Images can be viewed in any plane and in 3-D dimension with the estimation of tissue density.
When CT/MSCT is prescribed:
Examination by computed tomography is prescribed only by a doctor for diagnosing or clarifing of the disease, monitoring the disease development, treatment supervision, as a part of preparation to surgery, and so on.
There are scheduled CT examinatios like:
- head examination: bone tissue state, hemorrhage (no more than 4 hours);
- chest examination: state of the respiratory system, heart and vessel tissue;
- mediastinum and abdominal cavity examination: state of tissues and tumor's discovery;
- examination of musculoskeletal system: a qualitative way to assess the condition of joints and bones;
- diagnostic search aimed at confirming or refuting tumors and more.
Urgent examination is usually performed in the following cases:
- complicated injuries;
- suspected cerebral hemorrhage;
- suspected vascular damage (eg, aortic aneurysm dissection);
- suspected other acute affection of hollow and parenchymal organs (complications of underlying disease or in result of current treatment)
How computed tomography and spiral computed tomography are undergone:
The patient lies on a table that relative moves within a scanner, where the mounted sensors capture sections of organs in real time and display them as an image on the monitor. The resulting images are also recorded on optical media or a USB flash drive. An experienced doctor needs aout two or three hours for a qualitative analysis of the results.
Spiral computed tomography is the most advanced diagnostic method. The peculiarity of it is in a spiral rotation of the radiator, while making gradual uniform movements of the table where the patient lies. Images of organs are obtained in any planar direction in this method.
Contrasted CT scanning:
Contrast enhancement (contrast) is used for better recognition of organs from each other and normal structures from pathological ones. The contrast agent (most often iodine-containing) is injected into the cavity organ or bloodstream. Contrast enhancement allows to clarify the nature of pathological changes, including accurate indication of the tumors and their nature on a background of surrounding soft tissues. It is also helps to see the changes which are not seen by examination without contrast. Usage of a contrast agent is determined by a radiologist and attending doctor.
There are two main types of contrast that are often combined:
- oral when the patient drinks a contrast solution according to a certain regimen. This improves the contrast of the cavity organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
- intravenous when the contrast agent is injected into a patient's vein during the examination, in this case we assess the nature of contrast agent accumulation by tissues through the circulatory system. At intravenous contrast scanning occurs in several main phases: arterial, venous, excretory.
Intravenous contrast is performed in two ways:
- manually injected agent when the time and speed of injection are not regulated. This is an outdated method and it does not correspond to the modern possibilities of the MSCT method;
- bolus method is another method completely managed by an automated injector with a precisely set speed and time of the substance supply. This takes into account the clinical task, age, weight and other characteristics of the patient.
Contrast-enhanced MSCT allows to detect and differentiate tumors of any location, in particular, focal formations of solid viscus (liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, brain), as well as to assess the spread of malignant tumors, tumor resectability, to detect lymph node metastasis and in parenchymal organs.
We use Tomohexol 350mg (ТОМОГЕКСОЛ®) as a contrast agent for CT examination in Manufactura clinic.
Warning! It is important to ascertain if you are not allergic to iodine-containing drugs and to read the contraindications to contrast before performing computed tomography with a contrast agent.
Contraindications to CT/MSCT examination:
- Pregnancy (any term) except for vital signs.
- Mental disorders in some cases.
- Weight over 200 kg (not all CT diagnostics can be performed on patients with this weight).
- Allergic reaction to iodine-containing drugs (when performing CT with contrast).
- Complicated kidney and liver diseases.
- Severe complications of any type of diabetes.
- Oncological and inflammatory processes of the thyroid gland.
How to prepare for CT/MSCT scanning:
Computed tomography does not require special training, except for CT scan with a contrast - is important to pass a creatinine test to assess the condition of the kidneys and exclude renal failure, as well as to check for allergic reactions to iodine.
Important! to have a doctor's referral for CT/MSCT diagnostics since these methods are performed for the final diagnosis confirmation and more attenuated ways of examination (like X-ray, ultrasound, laboratory tests) shall be done before it.
Quality of CT and MSCT in the Manufactura clinic:
There is a new (2017) multislice computed tomography scanner of the latest generation (Aquilion Lightning by Toshiba medical) used in our clinic. Functionality, power and hardware characteristics allow us to get CT scans of different body areas in a high image quality with the minimal radiation exposure. It is the key to a high level examination and the success in violations searches which allow us making the correct diagnosis. The effective CT is depended on medical staff qualification conducting the surveys and analysing the images. We are sure in our doctors experience and skill level in working with such complex equipment and guarantee the accuracy of the diagosis.
Our services:
- Diagnostics assessment of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs state
- Diagnosis of osteochondrosis and spondylosis
- Diagnosis of spine tumors and benign tumors
- Diagnosis of brain tumors and benign tumors
- Visualization of the spinal cord changes
- Diagnostics assessment of malformation or aneurysm of encranial vessels
- Diagnosis of pathological changes of the vascular network
- Surgery control
- Screening method for finding pathology
- Diagnostics assessment of traumatic brain injury
- Search and differential diagnosis of pancreatic pathology
- Search and differential diagnosis of liver pathology
- Diagnostics assessment of lung tissue, pleura and mediastinum processes
- Informative method of thyroid imaging
- Pathology of the biliary tract
- Pathology of the spleen
- Images of ribs, sternum
- Developmental anomalies visualisation
- Diagnostics assessment of chest injuries
- Diagnostics assessment of intra-abdominal injuries
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