Vertebrology and rehabilitation
Spine, joints and muscles health recovery. Manual and apparatus therapy for osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, scoliosis, chronic muscle pain and concomitant disorders of the nerve connections and internal organs functions.
«Manufactura» Clinic is one of the leading medical centers in Kyiv using a full range of advanced rehabilitation practices to restore the spine, joints and muscles health. Performing both classical and innovative methods of therapy, skilled vertebologist and rehabilitation therapist develop an individual program for each patient considering the patient's existing diseases and features of his body.
Eliminating patology conditions in the spine, restoring the soft tissues and the muscles function that surrounding it, significantly affect the work of other body organs, since the spine retains the spinal cord, blood vessels and nerve terminals associated with the organs. That is why the manual and apparatus therapy under the vertebologist or rehabilitologist supervision are the utmost effective treatment for osteochondrosis, protrusions, herniated discs, scoliosis and chronic pain in the muscles and joints under an individual program for each particular patient, restores the performance of internal organs and relieves chronic headache.
Here we perform physiotherapy procedures which are developed in accordance with the latest exercise therapy, mechanical spinal traction, massage therapy with a variety of techniques, as well as a full rehabilitation courses after severe injuries and surgeries on the bones and joints. Additionally we provide therapeutic courses for the preparation joints before and after the the prosthesis surgery, which are obliging for effective surgical treatment.
We pay particular attention to the problem of child growth and spinal curvature, which are associated with both bone disease and misbehavior or the hypodynamia of modern children. We offer medical courses on the program of growth stimulation, like «+7 cm» and specially designed supportive courses for cerebral palsy patients.
Consultation of a vertebrologist is aimed at determining the pain type and location, limbs and joints mobility changes (orthopedic and neurologic examination), concomitant disorders, like headache or bowel disorders, the presence of infections or traumas in anamnesis. In addition, laboratory or apparatus studies, like X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, are assigned for a detailed examination of the patient's bone, cartilage and soft tissues and for the most effective treatment. If you have previous results of the spine or its single departments or joints examination, be sure to bring them with for your first consultation with the doctor.
While individual therapeutic measures are prescribed it is important to inform the vertebologist:
- the nature of the pain, its localization and spread
- if you have pain when the spinous process is touched
- numbness of limbs, skin crawling, feeling of heavy muscles at movements, changes of sensitivity
- heart pain with normal ECG results
- if you feel the constant tension in muscles or muscles tightness at rest or in motion
- sharp changes in blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations and nausea
We treat
- Spine diseases: osteochondrosis, protrusions and herniated discs, Schmorl's node, chronic back pain, radiculitis, chronic pelvic pain, coccyalgia (pain in the coccyx), vertebrogenic radiculopathy.
- Joints diseases: osteoarthrosis, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, Bechtterev's disease, arthritis, flatfoot, plantar fasciitis, heel spur, humeroscapular periarthrosis, «frozen shoulder», desmogenous contractures (a harsh limitation of limb movements after gypsum bandage), rehabilitation after fractures, injuries or crashes, myofascial syndrome.
- Internal organs functioning disorders: impaired intestinal motility (intestial obstruction), biliary dyskinesia, certain forms of dyspinorrhea, chronic adnexitis, fibrocystic mastopathy (pain in the mammary glands), obstructive bronchitis of adults and children, chronic prostate disease, hypoactive neurogenic bladder.
- Autonomic dysfunction: migraine and other headaches, facial pain, dizziness (impaired coordination), tinnitus, head noise, blood pressure drops, cardialgia (heart pain) while normal ECG results, circulatory encephalopathy, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tension headache, office syndrome.
Here below we provide the information about some common diseases requiring vertebrologist's attention and treatment. These are provided for patients' information and aimed at drawing attention spine health and timely therapy:
one of the most complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system, causes dystrophic changes in the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs due to malnutrition. The disease exhibits by a slow course and insufficient cartilage restoration, even after minor injuries. It can be caused by a large number of reasons. The classic symptoms of osteochondrosis include: numbness and aches in the back, limbs, body's and muscels stiffness, cervical, spinal and lumbar pain, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, circulatory and vascular disorders, including those related with changes in blood pressure. Ostechondrosis pain can mimic the pathology of other organs, so thorough spine examination is important in determining the correct diagnosis.
Protrusion or intervertebral hernia
Protrusion is a bulging of the intervertebral disc, which is becoming a condition for herniated disc in a future, therefore it requires obligatory treatment. Protrusion is diagnosed with X-ray and MRI, always accompanied with a pain, not necessarily occured in a back, with the muscels' or extremities' numbness, tingling in muscles or their weakness and fatique, which are all due to pinching of the nerves and blood vessels by the damaged disk. Ignoring of protrusion and hernia can lead to serious complications until a complete immobilization.
The colicky pain caused by a damage to the peripheral nerves. Unlike neuritis there are no motor disorders or changes in sensitivity, and no structural changes in the affected nerve. Neuralgia develops mainly in nerves passing in narrow channels and openings, can have any localization and is caused by compression of the nerve trunks.
This term addresses lumbar pain in general. There are vertebrogenic and non-vertebrogenic lumbalgia, where the first is caused by spine problems, while the second is a pathology of internal organs. The main symptom of lumbalgia is the pain in the lower back of varying intensity, can be both acute and chronic. An acute pain attack is intense and can last from several minutes to several hours. Chronic pain is more moderate and exhibits after the long-time standing in the same position or long walking. The pain can intensify with a physical exertion and with sudden movements, spreads onto the buttocks and legs, can cause the legs numbness and tingling, muscle spasm and even internal organs functioning disturbances. The chronic form is evoked by an untreated acute pain and leads to a worsening dystrophic changes in the spine.
Seek for the rehabilitologist or vertebologist help in case of the following symptoms

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