Kosyakov, Olexander
Оrthopedist, traumatologist
Experience: 20 years

Category: Higher. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Honored Doctor of Ukraine.
Qualification: Оrthopedist and traumatologist
Alma mater: National Medical University. O. Bogomolets
Doctor practices:
- Practices the method of "bloodless" surgery: blood loss is minimized due to short incision (7-9 cm) and surgery's speed (45 minutes).
- Knee joint replacement by endoprosthese
- Shoulder joint replacement by endoprosthese
- Elbow joint replacement by endoprosthese
- Osteosynthesis (fracture's join) of the skeletal bones in all known ways:
- periosteal adjustable titanium plate with angular stability of screws
- intraosseous blocking rods
- spokes and rods of external fixation
- Treatment of false joints:
- Arthroscopy - minimally invasive (without incision) diagnosis and surgery of joint damage:
- removal of meniscus
- plastic bond
- removal of free bodies
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