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HAL-RAR method of hemorrhoids treatment

HAL-RAR is a minimally invasive operation of ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes leading to their reduction and disappearance. It is an advanced and fast method of treatment of chronic hemorrhoids II, III, IV degrees under ultrasound doppler control. The HAL-RAR method is aimed at eliminating the cause of hemorrhoids, not just treating the consequences.

HAL-RAR surgery for hemorrhoids

HAL-RAR surgery (Doppler guided haemorrhoid artery ligation with recto-anal repair) – is an advanced minimally invasive method of hemorrhoidal nodes removal. It is good for 2, 3 and 4 degrees of hemorrhoids.

The primary goal of any hemorrhoid treatment is symptom relief with minimal complications and a low recurrence rate. With the help of the HAL-RAR technique, complete control of symptoms is achieved in 92% of patients. Thanks to the ability to accurately identify the blood vessel and its ligation, the root cause of the disease is eliminated, and this provides the effective hemorrhoids treatment.

Advantages of the HAL-RAR method:

  • no incisions and postoperative wounds.
  • surgery duration is about 45 minutes.
  • the maximum in hospital stay is up to 24 hours
  • minimal pain after surgery and quick recovery. The rehabilitation period after HAL-RAR is 7-10 days.

Efficiency of HAL-RAR method

The HAL-RAR method of hemorrhoids treatment is guided with ultrasound dopplerography. The doppler detects the vessel location and size  and enables its accurate ligation.

Doppler guided artery ligation with the HAL-RAR reduces the hemorrhoidal nodes within a few weeks: complete discomfort reliefs after 3-5 weeks, and hemorrhoid symptoms disappear within 2 months.

The procedure consists of stages:

  • Hemorrhoidal artery ligation - the HAL stage conducted with Doppler. It stops blood supply to hemorrhoidal nodes, which subsequently leads to their reduction and gradual disappearance.
  • Recto-anal reconstruction - the RAR stage is performed immediately after the HAL procedure to pull the mucous membrane of the hemorrhoidal nodes into the rectum.

The cost and prescription of HAL-RAR treatment

The cost of HAL-RAR treatment includes the price of the surgery and the price of disposable consumables. The HAL-RAR surgery in "Manufactura Clinic" is prescribed after the proctologist’s examination. Ask an appointment with the proctologist for consultation via the call or online form for appointment registeration on our website. 

Prepared based on the materials of the surgeon, proctologist of the "Manufactura Clinic" Medical Center

Dr. Shepetko-Dombrovskyi, Oleksiy

Proctologist. Surgeon of the highest category. Candidate of Medical sciences

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