Treatment of chronic and acute hemorrhoids
Inpatient conservative and operative treatment of hemorrhoids in «Manufactura» clinic
The treating methods in hemorrhoids has changed significantly around the world, long ago switching to minimally invasive methods for many types of this disease. The surgical procedure itself depends on the disease stage.
Vacuum ligation of hemorrhoids and transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD) for the first time in Ukraine have been implemented in practice by our proctologists, and this allows us to use all the successful experience which was received, in our current tactic of treatment.
Longo procedure and Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy are successful in ІІІ stage of chronic hemorrhoids and due to advanced medical equipent are executed quite fast and with minimum discomfort for a patient. The IV stage of chronic hemorrhoids shall be treated with more complex surgical methods in inpatient settings.
In acute hemorrhoids the treatment tactics always depend on the degree of the pathological process. At the I and II stage of exacerbation we always resort to conservative therapy, in the III stage only surgical intervention (hemorrhoidectomy) is effective. In our clinic we practices Parks and Whitehead hemorrhoidectomy and the latter is used slightly modified by our doctors.
We сonfess the principles of openness to the patient and consider that cooperation with him is the basis of successful treatment. So our doctors always discuss with the patient the nature and cause of the disease, give a detailed explanation of the chosen therapy and procedures and the expected prognosis of course.
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