Treatment of paraproctitis
Diagnosis and treatment of paraproctitis
Paraproctitis is an infection inflammation of the tissues around the rectum. This disease is accompanied by the suppurations, which with progression of the malady spread into adjacent tissues. Staphylococci, streptococci or Escherichia coli are the usual causative agents of paraproctitis. Paraproctitis often develops as a complication after hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other proctological diseases.
Patients with paraproctitis suffer a sharp pain in the rectum, constipation, have skin swelling and irritation around the anus, often feel a false urge to defecate. The inflammatory process causes to fever and weakness.
The chronic form of paraproctitis may be accompanied by the fistula which is an unnatural canal in the inner surface of the rectum, through which pus is secreted. Paraproctitis may have temporary periods of remission, when pain subsides, but later exacerbation periods return. Patient shall remember that paraproctitis does not disappear on its own.
«Manufactura» clinic diagnosis paraproctitis with transrectal ultrasound, which is currently the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of both acute and chronic forms of the disease. The treatment methods depend on the nature of the inflammatory, but always requires surgery.
In acute paraproctitis, we perform opening, lavaging and draining the abscess and elimination of the internal hole using Gabriel method or using ligation methods according to Hippocrates.
In chronic paraproctitis, surgical methods are chosen based on the fistulas type:
- in intrasphincteric paraproctitis – operation of Gabriel;
- in transsphincteric paraproctitis – operation of Gabriel or fistula excision along with plasty of sphincter;
- in extrasphincteric paraproctitis – fistula excision with ligation by Hippocrates;
Doctors of our clinic were the first in Ukraine, who in 2009 used Anal Fistula Plug obturator for chronic paraproctitis treatment.
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