частные больницы киева
приватные клиники киева приватна_онкологічна_лікарня_в_києві

Мобільний застосунок
«Особистий кабінет пацієнта»

лечение рака в киеве
Khodosivka vil.

The Stroke Center is opened

Even a serious stroke is not yet a verdict. Timely sick for a medical help to a well-equipped and qualified hospital, not only saves life, but also preserves its quality after an attack.

MC «Manufactura Clinic» has opened a specialized stroke center, where a full range of services for stroke patients are provided: emergency care, stabilization of the patient's condition, deepest examintation as well as all necessary treatment, supportive therapy and restorative rehabilitation. Our specialists have vast experience in working with stroke patients and they make every effort to return each patient to a quality, healthy life.

The Stroke Center operates 24-hours and provides with specialized medical care, as following:

  • clinical assessment of the patient's condition (examination by a neurologist, neurosurgeon, anesthesiologist, therapist and other specialists);
  • diagnostics (MRI, CT, ultrasound, laboratory tests) and monitoring of the patient's vital functions;
  • intensive therapy;
  • systemic thrombolytic therapy (if indicated);
  • comprehensive restoring therapy for a stroke patient with impaired functions, including medical, psychological and household functions rehabilitation.
  • drawing up an algorithm and measures to prevent the repeated stroke development.

We also offer outpatient follow-up for stroke patients.

Inpatient treatment of stroke patients takes place in the Stroke center in «Manufactura» clinic (at the address: Kyiv suburb, Khodosivka village, 2 Berezova street). Call us 24/7.

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