«Vaxigrip» vaccine
Vaccination is the only effective way to prevent infectious diseases, which is used by the entire civilized world.
Flu vaccination is no exception. For immunoprophylaxis, highly effective inactivated (inanimate) vaccines are used, which protect you against the most common viruses of this year. How do we know which virus strains will cause disease? WHO (World Health Organization) experts are working on this issue in 83 countries of the world, their conclusions are based on numerical studies, after which an expert forecast is formed.
Modern influenza vaccines are highly effective, safe, and are usually easily tolerated. According to WHO recommendations, children already of 6 months and older as well as adults should be vaccinated. It is important to get vaccinated for people who are most vulnerable to the flu virus:
- pregnant women
- persons older than 60 years
- patients with chronic diseases (diabetes, coronary heart disease, respiratory chronic diseases, kidneys and liver malfunctions)
- schoolchildren, education employees
- medical employees
- transport and service employees
- servicemen
Among these groups of people, the risk of a severe course and complications is the greatest.
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